Working for a green planet...


 MATCHMAKING SERVICE info event 21.11.2014 Tampere
 AVOIN KUTSU :  Go COLOMBIA the land of answers


The Matchmaking Service started on 2006 but the spotting element that increased the volume and quality has started last year. Finnpartnership mission is to increase commercial cooperation between Finland and the developing countries. 

One of the main services provided by Finnpartnership, free of charge, is the Matchmaking Service

Matchmaking Service helps companies and other economic actors both in Finland and in developing countries to seek out new co-operation opportunities. 

Finnpartnership channels business partnership initiatives from developing countries to companies in Finland and vice versa. Business partnerships refer to long-term joint activities between companies or other economic actors in Finland and in developing countries, such as joint ventures or importing from developing countries. 

The company that are participating in the program has been screen by Finnpartnership, with high standards to make sure about their possibilities to work with Finnish companies.

On account of Finnpartnership encouraging results, they are expanding their activities and take new experts to the network, my company DECOARK Oy is one of them.

DECOARK mission in this case is to put this business in contact with a Finnish business, which could have interesting products and services that match with the company in Latino America. The final goal is to start a connection that will have as a result a productive business relation. 

Welcome to our network!

 CATHODEX Oy a multi-tasks project

An event with great success!

We worked in the organization of an event for CATHODEX Oy, which started with the design of invitations, menu cards and then to find the best way to realize an open door event, where the company wanted to welcome old and new clients in afternoon with Mexican food and nice music.

The task was completed with success and Mrs. Katja Harhala, CEO of the company, and the new owners of the company looking forward to realize the event again next year.  



Kansainvälistymällä kasvua yritystoimintaan mallisuorituksia kansainvälisen kaupan ja kasvun edistämiseksi

Yritykset ja palveluntuottajatkohtaavat Tampereella kansainvälistymispäivässä. Tarjoilla oli tietoa ja tukea pk-yrityksten kansainväilistymipalveluista sekä mielenkiintoisia yritysesimerkkejä. Kansainvälistymistorilla on hyödyllinen tarjonta yksityisiä ja julkisia palveluntuottajia tarjoamassa palvelujaan ja asiantuntemustaan.

DECOARK Oy was invated to participate as part of the panel discussion Team FINLAND - verkosto ja julkiset toimijat liäarvoa vai byrokratiaa? Paneelissa suoraa puhetta yrityksiltä ja Team Finland - toimijoilta. Paneelikeskustelun puheenvuorot jatkoi apulaisjohtaja Markus Sjölund Tampereen kauppakamarista.

 MENTOR ROLE at UNIPOLI Tampere project 2013-2014

DECOARK Oy decided during the 2013 to support again international talents to find their path in creating a career in Finland! 

That decision gave the opportunity to Gloria Zuniga to become Mentor of Ms. Aleksandra Zarek, a talented polish Architect and student of the international Architecture program at the Tampere University of Technology. 

Her work was already amazingly interesting before to come to Finland.  The professionalism of Aleksandra is visible in 
her work and solutions, where design and functionalism join force in sustainable solutions.

Aleksandra talent has opened doors of the close circle of Finnish Architecture, here a small sample of her work. 

It is really good to see that Talent can open minds!


Minería Colombia 2013 Bogotá:
Feria de servicios y maquinaría de minería
(14.08.2013 - 16.08.2013)

DECOARK OY visited the Mining Colombia 2013 that was held again this year in the Colombian city of Bogota, it was the fourth edition, in the premises of Corferias, showing the latest developments in the sector. It binged together the best professionals and companies involved in the field. 

Companies visited are their stand: INSE Group, DEPOT, SESMACOL, PetroRental de Colombia S.A.S., MILPA S.A. Importaciones y Representaciones Mineras LTDA, Minerales del Este Colombiano S.A.S. (MIESCO S.A.S.), CRISTANINI S.P.A., CAC Systems, Cerro Matoso.

 CHILE and FINLAND will boost cooperation of SMEs

We were present during the official visit of the Finnish Prime Minister Mr. Jyrki Katainen to Chile in January 2013, as part of CATHODEX Oy representation. The accomplished objective of our participation was to make the connection between us and the visited companies more effective and clear. We participated in all the B2B meetings, collaborate with the press release redaction, contacted publications editors and assured contacts in all level for CATHODEX Oy.

During the visit the Finnish and Chilean Governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland and the Ministry of Mining of Chile, for Bilateral Cooperation in the Mining Sector. 

The first meeting of the Bilateral Steering Committee was held in Helsinki, Finland, in August 19th, 2013. This meeting received the welcoming words from Ms. Marja Rislakki, State Secretary, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, from Finland, and Mr. Francisco Orrego, Vice Minister of Mining, from Chile.

The Bilateral Steering Committee would be led by Mr. Kari Knuutila (Finland) and the Vice Minister of Mining (Chile), and coordinated by the Ambassadors of both countries, Mr. Ilkka Heiskanen from Finland and Mr. Eduardo Tapia from Chile.

Incorporation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in cooperation was seen as one of the key issues in both countries. It was decided to develop the MoU objectives in four subgroups: a) Public Governance; b) Education; c) Research and Innovation; and d) Industry. Each subgroup will name a coordinator. 

The Work Plan to be presented for approval to the Ministers will be elaborated by the end of October 2013. The next Steering Committee meeting would be held in Santiago, Chile, in June 2014, in order to monitor the WP progress. 

The above agreements were discussed by Mr. Orrego and the Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Jan Vapaavuori during their meeting on Tuesday 20th of August. Mr. Vapaavuori expressed his interest to visit Chile with a Finnish business delegation when the Steering Committee will meet in order to boost the cooperation and synergies by combining the activities in 2014.

What makes TAMPERE so special? 

Everything is special about Tampere!

We believe that the future and present of the city and the whole region, is ALL BRIGHT!

We are participating this year in the promotion of the city, taking part of the TAMPERE Travel Guide 2013 and diffusing it in every single meeting we have had this year internationally.

We invite you to take a look to the travel guide and chose TAMPERE as your next holiday’s destination or as your best place for making business meetings in Finland.

Find all language versions at

TAMPERE will welcome you all year around and you will find many gems and places worth a visit.


KOLUMBIA Vientiverkosto projekti

 Mitä hyötyä vientiverkostosta on yritykselle?

Vientiverkosto on tehokas tapa avata uusia markkinoita!

Hankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena on avata Kolumbian markkina-alue suomalaisille yhtiöille ja kartoittaa miten kaksi aluetta voivat kehittyä ja kasvaa yhdessä

Kutsumme osallistumaan joukon yrityksiä, joiden profiili ja erikoisteknologia / -osaamisalueet ovat:

  • BPO & IT
  • Logistiikka ja kuljetus
  • Kone- ja Metallit
  • Rakennusmateriaalit
  • Suunnittelu
  • Kemialliset ja muovi

Tarkoituksemme on kutsua valittu ryhmä (4-8) ei-kilpailevia yrityksia asallistumaan projektiin, jossa yhteisvientipäällikkö edustaa kaikkia yrityksia.

Hankkeessa keskitytään jokaisen yhtiön tuotekehitystarpeiden ja muiden tarvittavien toimipiteiden kartoittamiseen.

Hankkeessa käytetään apuna kohdemarkkinan hyvin tuntevaa ulkopuolist asiantuntijayritystä, kontakteja ja tuoretta tietoa mitä löydettiin tehdyssä markkinatutkimuksessa Kolumbiassa ja Suomessa.


Liite 1 KUTSU - "Kolumbia vientiverkosto" projekti Klick  >>



(Published at

Gloria Zúñiga

"Know-how combined with good business potential"

Gloria Zúñiga from Colombia moved to Tampere 17 years ago. She worked her way into the Finnish labour market and discovered cleantech which she believes has huge export potential.

Gloria Zúñiga trained as an architect but has worked in many different sectors in Finland. Her previous jobs include Spanish translator at Nokia, various positions in mechanical and industrial engineering companies, and ArchiCAD trainer.
“I started my own business Decoark Oy two years ago. I offer architectural and interior design, produce presentation materials for businesses and help them to build international contacts”, she explains in Finnish.
At the moment, she is planning a Colombian export ring for cleantech companies.

Gloria leads the way to Colombia
Gloria Zúñiga became interested in cleantech a few years ago when she was helping a Finnish company that makes material handling systems for separating and recycling construction waste.
“I see huge potential in the industry. Waste management and recycling are critical aspects of modern urban planning and there is demand for good solutions around the world.”
“Colombia, for example, is only just beginning to wake up to environmental issues, and there is a shortage of know-how. Tampere, on the other hand, has technological innovators for whom Finland may be too small an operating environment”, she says.
The export ring will allow businesses to study the Colombian and other Caribbean markets cost-effectively through Gloria and her knowledge of the culture and language.
“Colombia is better than its reputation; people are approachable and interested in other cultures. The Colombian economy is growing at a tremendous pace and there are various tax cuts to support entrepreneurship”, she explains.

Barranquilla is like Tampere

Gloria calls herself both Colombian and Finnish, and she wants to use her role as an ambassador of the AllBright! brand to build a bridge between the Tampere Region and Colombia.
“I have two homes: Tampere and Barranquilla. Barranquilla is a metropolis but in many ways like Tampere. Both are looking for foreign investors and businesses, Barranquilla has its own EXPO Arena as a project and both have used their location by waterways as a source of success.”
“My goal is to bring Barranquilla and Tampere closer together and to build business connections. My motto is ‘good business, saving the planet’”, she says, smiling.

 COLOMBIA's economy on the news

Economía |11 Dic 2012 - 8:26 pm

Entrevista a Christine Lagarde, directora del FMI

En diálogo con caracol Televisión dijo que la economía colombiana seguirá mejorando.


Situación económica de Colombia es magnífica, afirma directora del FMI

Con SIG |   Diciembre de 2012


"Colombia es un país que está gozando de una magnífica situación", dijo la directora gerente del FMI. Eso le permite ofrecerle ayuda al Fondo Monetario Internacional, dijo Christine Lagarde tras reunirse con el presidente Juan Manuel Santos.

Agregó que el país está en una situación "donde le puede ofrecer al Fondo su ayuda, cosa que no sucedía en el pasado. Colombia goza de una política macroeconómica que le ha dado mucha estabilidad al país".

Resaltó la reunión que tuvo este lunes con el ministro de Hacienda, Mauricio Cárdenas, en la que miró las cifras de Colombia. "Pude ver que se trata de cifras y números muy sólidos. Colombia en este momento tiene un déficit muy pequeño y una deuda muy balanceada. Por eso la situación macroeconómica es una situación muy prometedora", manifestó.

"Tuve también la ocasión de hablar de la política que se está forjando en el país a nivel macroeconómico y monetario y también hablar de la Reforma Tributaria y de otras reformas que me resultaron de muchísimo interés", indicó Lagarde.

Santos destacó -por su parte- las buenas relaciones que han mantenido Colombia y el FMI. Han sido "muy fluidas y la intención es seguir manteniendo esas relaciones", sostuvo.

"Esperamos mantener esas buenas relaciones con el Fondo por mucho tiempo más", concluyó.



Good business, saving the planet
(Published at

Kolumbialaissyntyinen Gloria Zuñiga muutti Tampereelle 17 vuotta sitten. Hän raivasi tiensä suomalaiseen työelämään ja löysi ympäristöteknologian, jolle hän povaa huikeita vientinäkymiä Suomesta.

Gloria Zuñiga on koulutukseltaan arkkitehti, mutta Suomessa hän on tehnyt monipuolisen työuran muun muassa kääntäjänä ja ohjelmien testaajana Nokia Oy:ssä, konepaja- ja teollisuussuunnitteluyrityksissä sekä archiCad-ohjelman kouluttajana. 

– Perustin oman yrityksen Decoark Oy:n kaksi vuotta sitten. Tarjoan arkkitehtuuri- ja sisustussuunnittelua, valmistan yrityksille erilaisia esittelymateriaaleja ja avustan niitä kansainvälisissä kontakteissa, hän kertoo suomen kielellä.

Juuri nyt hän suunnittelee Kolumbian-vientirengasta ympäristöteknologian yrityksille

Kolumbia on mainettaan parempi maa, asukkaat
helposti lähestyttäviä ja kiinnostuneita muista
kulttuureista. Kansantalous kasvaa kohisten ja
yrittämistä tuetaan verohelpotuksilla, kertoo
Kolumbian vientirengasta suunnitteleva
Allbright!-brändin lähettiläs Gloria Zuñiga.


Kolumbiaan Glorian johdolla

Gloria Zuñigan kiinnostus ympäristöteknologiaan virisi muutama vuosi sitten, kun hän avusti rakennusjätteen erotteluun ja kierrätykseen käsittelyjärjestelmiä valmistavaa suomalaisyritystä.

– Näen alassa valtavat mahdollisuudet. Modernissa kaupunkisuunnittelussa jätehuolto ja kierrättäminen ovat kriittisiä pisteitä, ja hyville ratkaisuille on kysyntää ympäri maailmaa.

– Esimerkiksi Kolumbiassa ympäristöasioihin ollaan vasta havahtumassa, ja osaaminen on puutteellista. Tampereella on puolestaan teknologioiden kehittäjiä, joille Suomi voi olla toimintaympäristönä liian pieni, hän sanoo.

Vientirenkaassa yritykset voivat kustannustehokkaasti tutkia Kolumbian ja laajemmin myös Karibian alueen markkinoita kulttuurin ja kielen hallitsevan Glorian johdolla.

Barranquilla on kuin Tampere!

Itseään sekä kolumbialaiseksi että tamperelaiseksi kutsuva Gloria rakentaa siltaa Kolumbiaan myös Pirkanmaan AllBright!-brändin lähettiläänä. 

– Minulla on kaksi kotia, Tampere ja Barranquilla. Barranquilla on suurkaupunki, mutta monessa asiassa kuin Tampere. Molemmat etsivät ulkomaisia sijoittajia ja yrityksiä, Barranquilla rakennutti oman Keskusareenansa ja molemmat ovat ammentaneet menestystä sijainnistaan vesireittien varrella.

– Tavoitteeni on lähentää Barranquillaa ja Tamperetta ja luoda bisnesyhteyksiä. Mottoni on ”good business, saving the planet!”.



DECOARK Oy decided during the 2012 to support our international talents to find their path in creating a career in Finland! That decision gave the opportunity to Gloria Zuniga to become Mentor of Ms. Xianghe Gao, a talented Chinese Architect and student of the international program at the Tampere University of Technology.

International competence is becoming more and more important for companies and organizations in Tampere region. International students bring enrichment, intercultural skills and new ways of thinking to our workplaces.

The aim of the Unipoli Tampere project is to strengthen further the contact between employers, international students and higher education institutes, and of course to promote the know-how of international students.

The mentoring process is a two-way relationship. Mentoring provides an opportunity for both mentor and mentee to develop their know-how and benefit from the process. 


TALENT NEEDED - Paneelikeskustelu

The Social Impact of Talent Needed event

In organizations trying to have a strong international impact, finding, hiring, and developing the right talent can be particularly complicated. You need to find people who are as passionate about your mission as you are. And you need to bring in and develop leaders with the right balance of business acumen and knowledge about the problem you're trying to solve.

During this event the conversation topic was if talent is available what is stopping the use of it? Could it be part of the solution to see that the foreigner talent can be used in the benefit of the society? Important questions were explored such as:

  • What types of talent are necessary to scale the best ideas?
  • The multiculturalism and foreigners as part of the internationalization solution
  • Are businesses supporting foreign employee adaptation?
  • How can you be sure people have a passion about your cause and the business skills they need to execute?

To start the panel participants shared their experience of life adaptation in Finland and their early findings about how the most effective talents get limited exposure on new business concepts. Gloria Zuniga explained the lesson she's learned about moving toward fear rather than away from it. “There are a lot of sources of success if you find the courage to open the door to an incredible world of experiences”. She believed the answer is available in find the right combination of local and foreigner talents at the non-profit community, corporate world, academia, and the growing field of sustainable Finnish’s companies and products.